embrace-the-cocoonEmbrace The Cocoon was created with the premise of helping people evolve into their greatest selves through the art & science of hypnosis.   You see, the benefits of hypnosis distinctly parallels that of the journey to become a Butterfly.

If you think about it, everyone wants to be like a butterfly.  We want to be lighthearted and relaxed; blissfully dancing with a sense of freedom and without a care in the world.  We all want to be surrounded by beauty, luxury and nature and to able to adapt comfortably to any environment.  We want to be adored and respected for our own unique colors and individuality.  You see, a butterfly’s journey closely mirrors that of the age old tales that speak of such miracles and resurrection.   But life wasn’t always so carefree for this insect.

Just as a caterpillar, we are limited by gravity, space and time.  We are bound by conformity in order to survive.  We mingle with the same people that limit and subliminally control us.  We also work at the same job that stifles our growth.  We notice how Caterpillars are brownish green, bland and indistinguishable from the rest.  They walk slowly and heavily, almost as if they are depressed with no real motivation or passion in life.  Caterpillars are vulnerable to their environment; with no real way to protect themselves if any unexpected peril comes their way.  The caterpillar represents conformity and taking things too seriously.  Here individuality is strongly discouraged and even ridiculed.

This miserable phase of life will get anyone fed-up.  And once you get to this low point, you only have two viable options: (1) to continue to do the same old habits and committing to the same undesired results or (2) making simple changes to produce a better quality of life.  Once the latter decision has been made, the caterpillar stops eating (the societal propaganda that it was indoctrinated with) and hangs upside down from a twig or leaf and designs itself its own silky cocoon.  Here in this cocoon, the caterpillar has enough time for introspection; unhindered by any outside factors.   In the cocoon, it begins to digest itself; meaning it digests its past with the purpose of finding significance and understanding in order to evolve into its prime.  This is the time to evaluate life in its current state and set goals for creating change and reinventing oneself.  Once we truly know our pure uninfluenced ambitions, we can create seeds within our cocoon [mind] which will germinate and inevitably sprout into our own lives.  Bottom line: In order to evolve, reinvent, resurrect, manifest miracles or whatever you decide to call it, you must embrace your very own cocoon.