What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of relaxed focus. It is a process of bypassing the conscious [logical] of the mind to access the subconscious mind. It is something that we naturally slip into several times of day. Hypnosis is daydreaming, the state between awareness and sleep, getting in the “zone”, losing yourself in a book or movie.
What does it feel like to be hypnotized?
Hypnosis is not an altered state of feeling like being under the influence of alcohol. It’s so subtle at times that it’s hard to know that we’ve be in it (e.g. daydreaming, watching a really good movie/book).
What are the requirements of a good hypnosis subject?
Just as long as (1) you want to be hypnotized (2) are able to concentrate, (3) willing to cooperate and follow instructions (4) and have good rapport with the hypnotist is ideal for hypnosis to happen successfully .
Does a weak minded person make a better subject than a strong minded person?
No. Being strong willed has nothing to do with hypnosis unless you willfully reject the suggestions given and won’t allow yourself to relax.
Do you black out or pass out or become unconscious when hypnotized?
No. You will be well away of everything that’s going on including hearing everything that the hypnotist says.
Do you go to sleep when you are in hypnosis?
No. Hypnosis isn’t sleep. If anything, it is that state that we are in when we are drifting of to sleep. Literally between being awake and sleeping.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
For the most part, anyone who can follow suggestions and relax is an ideal candidate for hypnosis. If you are willfully (left brain awareness) refusing to follow suggestions or relaxing, then it will be difficult of benefiting profoundly from hypnosis.
Will I lose control while being hypnotized?
No. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. A hypnotist is not directing his hypnotic energy towards you. Hypnosis is a relaxed state that comes out of you. You are in full control as it is you that is making everything happen in hypnosis.
Is hypnosis really safe?
Yes. As long as your aren’t driving and operating any heavy machinery. Hypnosis is really just being relaxed an highly focused. It’s as safe as meditation can be.
Can you get stuck in hypnosis?
No. It’s just as unlikely to get stuck into hypnosis as it’s unlikely to get stuck in deep daydreaming.
Can I be hypnotized if I don’t want to be?
No. If you not relaxed and focused then you won’t allow yourself to be hypnotized.
Can the hypnotist make me do something I don’t want to do?
No. Hypnosis is more than likely going to make you much more open to suggestions. It’s going to lower your inhibitions and bring out your inner child.